




一九九九年二月十三日 澳洲 雪梨





自創菜式第一道,是煲仔眉豆糙米飯,上加麵鼓醬紅蘿蔔西蘭花,另少量芝麻油,慢火燴大半小時,功能健脾祛濕,補中益氣,明目健膚抗癌…… 對不起,是寫慣了『產品資料』的職業病。








今天再試了另一種新東西,是雜果果仁燕麥片,混黃豆乳酪及蜜芽糖漿,再加少量蘋果紅蘿蔔紅甜菜汁,yummy yummy。


在Berowra 住上了幾天,愈來愈愛上這裡。是離市區遠一點,火車班次較疏,上學要預一小時多,今天去一間醫院參加workshop更花了兩個半鐘頭。但勝在環境實在好舒服,房間三面有窗,陽光非常充沛,後園有很多樹,步行往火車站也不用十分鐘。


屋主是一對差不多七十歲的退休夫婦,雖然男的佐治(George)有心臟病,但仍很忙碌,又出海去釣魚,又去教人地滾 (應該是草地滾球),間中幫兩個女湊孫仔,又要打理著個大花園,有玫瑰、金盞花 (即係Calendula 或者Marigold; 以往用得多,現在才見到新鮮的) 、Dahlia(天竺牡丹)、蕃茄、椰菜、rhubarb(大黃)、辣椒等等等。女的施雅(Thea)也有膝頭關節問題,但一樣愛忙碌料清理家居。今晚他們去了女兒的結婚周年紀念派對,真係開心。到我老了也有這樣的生活就好了。


不用上課的日子,在附近購物也算可以。步行半個鐘頭有一個商場,那裡一間賣有機食用品的鋪頭,有不少organic, biodynamic的糙米、穀物、蔬菜、水果、清潔劑的品種,品質、價錢都比市區同類舖頭好。


上了一星期的課,教師的用心和方式,都比香港的好得多。尤其是教順勢療法的Jane,她也是一個輔導員,上課很多討論,好活潑、energetic,與香港見過的一些順勢療法醫生不同,不會太只偏著重理智、知識方面,也許是跟這間學校的辦學宗旨有關,真的要全人發展,所有文憑課程學生都必修一年的holistic counselling (全人輔導)課程。


教 Holistic Counselling的Tao de Hass先生 (Tao讀作tail,與中國的『道』無關,他也不是中國哲學迷) 就更精彩,第一課就讓我們明白,成功的專業輔導員或自然療法醫生,95%的功夫是個人修養、內省,另外那5%才是技巧, 否則healers 會變成hindrance。教育educating是edu-caring,把學生的潛能發揮出來,不是把知識灌輸入去。他自己也做得到,課堂上,百分之七十的說話是我們的,他只是facilitator。





Berowra, Sydney

1999.02.13 23:10


Silver Princess for the New Year

Silver Princess for the New Year

From the desk of Arden Wong 黃偉德

9th February, 1999. 


Hi! My dear friends,

I'm excited to tell you that today is a big day for me: my school begins, my lease for the new accommodation is signed, my first real home-made Australian dinner with the new landlord, and my moving-in to this new self-contained studio apartment in the green, bushy suburb of Berowra, North Sydney. This really marks the beginning for a new life.

Should you want to have my new address or phone number, please write me an e-mail.

Lastly, best wishes for the Valentine's Day, and may I bring you an Arden's pick-of-the-year flower: Silver Princess. This is a rare, attractive Eucalypt. Its essence is used to aid people who are at crossroads. So, shall it bring you direction and sense of purpose in the New Year of Rabbit!


Arden Wong

Berowra, Sydney. 1999.02.08. 25:49.


(Photo adapted from "Australian Bush Flower Essences")


Tak is Moving

Tak is Moving

Hi! friends,

I'm moving by the 10th February.

I've just received this message this morning: The landlord needs the room urgently for his brother, who has to move out within 7 days as his landlord is selling the house he lives in.

I've to search for new accommodation as soon as possible. Offices run short hours on Saturdays and closes on Sundays.

Meanwhile, please do not send me any items via mail. (like Valentine's Day card or gifts!) As for phone calls and faxes, I think it is still OK. And, I'll certainly tell you all when exactly I'm moving out and my new address and contact methods.

Though my present flatmates would forward mails to me, it takes time and brings him inconveniences. My bank document, health cover, correspondences from the school would already need his help. He has already been very helpful to offer to move my things with his car.

May I have your blessings for my new accommodation before the Chinese New Year, and hopefully before the school begins on 8th February.

For friends in the freezing Hong Kong, may I radiate some heat from Sydney and best wishes,


10:50 am, 4 Feb, 1999.


* * * * * * * *

After going to the College for advices, 8 or 9 estate agencies along 4 different train stations (actually they are some 35 minutes apart), visiting 4 different apartments, I've temporary chosen a single bedroom studio apartment. It's very well lit, clean and tidy, with a even more spacious backyard than the present one. It's 30-40 minutes train to my College. The landlord is an old couple. We are happy with each other. But, it still requires the approval of the estate agency. So, I'll do the formal application tomorrow morning. Let's hope for the good news in the coming couple of days.


18:43, 4 Feb 1999.



Tak Hits Sydney

Tak Hits Sydney

Hi! All of you. I'm now up and running in Sydney!

I arrived on early Sunday morning. Thanks to Jeff, a friend of my sister, who picked me up from the airport, brought me to the major supermarkets, department stores. So, I know quite a bit the basics of living here. I've already stocked up bags of food for weeks, if not months: brown rice, noodles, carrots, sweet potatoes, rice milk, juices, apples and paw paw...

This first Monday is busy, too. Going to Nature Care College, i.e. my school, to meet the Course Advisor. Then to the Medibank Private for the member's card of the Overseas Students Health Cover. I attempted to open the bank account, but it requires student ID card which is expected to issue in one week's time. Instant photos were taken to get the student ID card. The OzEmail internet access is set up after much waiting on those hotlines and much trouble-shooting with the Windows setup. Financial matters and 'ground rules' for accommodation are discussed with the landlord (or actually the tenant coordinator, who collects the rents and pays it to the real landlord. I'm becoming more productive here.

I used to want to ride a bicycle before I came. But, its much uphill and downhill near my home, I'd better put the idea on hold. Walking on the slopes 15 minutes morning and night is already a good exercise.

The bedroom has not been too bright. My colourful new bed sheet has definitely brought much life to the room, but definitely not enough. I'm thinking of plants, crystals or pictures. The backyard is attractive. It's a big lawn larger than a basketball ground. There is a big tree with much flowers and lots of birds visiting. Just sitting there is a pleasure.

Lastly, thank you once again for your concern. My internet access has not been very stable yet. It works only now and then. But, do write to me, I haven't adapted to the very quiet surrounding yet!


PS please make sure that you are using this e-mail: ardenwong@bigfoot.com










屋子比想像中大,單是我的睡房已有二百呎左右,但光線、生氣不足,買了色彩鮮艷的 床單鋪上後,彩藍的、蘋果綠的、鮮橙的,即時大為改觀,但仍要放一些海報、植物之類的東西。最可愛的是那個二千呎的後園,大過一個籃球場!大片的草地上, 還有一棵大樹遮陰,另有餐桌可在那裡食野,優悠得不想工作。

明天是星期一,寫字樓開工,不少事要辦,到學校走走啦,到銀行開戶啦,電腦互聯網的國際漫遊有些問題,也要快些找個本地的internet access,本周有兩篇稿要交啊。此外,還要添置一些家品。

